Amazon Paiche (Arapaima gigas)
Blue Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
About 10 US producers, offer Blue catfish to the market. The yield of the blue catfish, is higher than other channel catfish species. That is the reason, it has been demanded by all whole fish buyers and markets.
The fish originated from North America can be reach max 165 cm and 21 age. It is found fresh and brackish waters and is offered for sale as fresh and frozen. Eaten steamed, fried, broiled and...
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Pacific / Spotted Red Snapper (Lutjanus guttatus)
Martec, orignated from Costa Rica which is maritime and mariculture Company, Dan Benetti who is professor, researcher and director at University of Miami, and an organization – Parque Marino del Pasifico- concern with the product.
Pacific Spapper is a Perciformes species which can reach max 80 cm. Appropriate to aquaculture, it is a marine species and been offered for sale as fresh and...
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Hapuku (Polyprion Oxygeneios)
Hapuku is conspicuous product in terms of its flavor in restaurants in Australia, US, UK, texture and appearence of the product is attaractive and it has too much variety as raw and cooked dishes.
A fish can reach max 160 cm, deep water species and prefer southern waters. It is put up for sale as frozen and fresh, consumed as steamed, fried, broiled, boiled and...
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Atlantic Seabon Shrimp (Xiphopenaeus Kroyeri)
This shrimp is originated from Northern Atlantic and live in marine, brackish, exceptionally fresh waters, 1-70 m depth. It is popular in USA. In natural habitat, it is caught by local fishermen and sold as fresh, dried and frozen.
The Heiplloeg Group, including Heiploeg in Zoutkamp, The Netherlands, Morubel in Belgium, and BFG in Germany and Namoona/SAIL companies are related with this...
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Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
Icy Waters and other Canadian companies and also Arctic Charr is produced in Iceland, Norway, West Virginia, Sweeden and Ireland.
There is a demand for Arctic Charr by wholesalers and restaurants, and it is seen as an alternative against high prices salmon.
The president of Canadian Company Icy Waters, John Rose said “The Company farms high end sustainable Arctic Charr and sells for...
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Silver Kob (Argyrosomus inodorus)
The fish is found coasts of South Africa and Nambia and preferred by commercial and recreational fishermen. It can reach 145 cm length and prefers benthopelagic and brackish waters. It is presented as mostly fresh and sometimes frozen for sales.
Silver Kob is one of the species of 3 different kob.
Mostly, it is commercial catched, but acc to Stellenbosch University,...
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Rabbit Fish (Siganus rivulatus)
This speices live in Mediterranean, Red Sea and East Africa regions. Fishermen in Spain, Israel and Egypt and these neighborhoods are keen on farming rabbit fish the most. It is known as "marbled spinefoot" in our country.
It can reach to 27 cm, it is silver gray towards its back and brownish on the stomach. They generally live shallow sea and prefer protected areas. They grow up in reefs....
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Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus)
Lingcod is catched by the biggest seafood product companies of the western coasts of Canada and USA.
Many lingcod fish are presented to retailing and catering markets of Pacific coasts by Canada and California. Despite there is fishing abundance, new markets are open to this fish type.
They may reach to 152 cm in length. Its origin is Northeast Pacific....
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Mandarin Fish (Siniperca chuatsi)
This fish, also called as Chinese sea bass, is known in China since immemorial time and it is known that it was popular between 618 and 907 B.C. It was poetized about its golden color and taste by the poets of this time.
It grows up fast and reaches to 400-600 g first year and becomes 1.5 kg second year. After this period, growth in length and weight slows down and females continue to grow up for 3...
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Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)
Tambaqui is seen in Amazon and Orinoco basins in natural environment. In recent years its farming has been started in South Africa.
Fish farms and processing plants bonded with Sao Paolo, Nativ Pescados company are located near Sorriso in Amazon basin and farmed products are imported to Portugal as retail and to Switzerland as food service industry...
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Florida Pompano (Trachinotuscarolinus)
It was produced by an American company, Aqua Green. It is not produced in high amounts but it is known by many states of America. It has a commercial importance. It is proper for fish farming with tolerance to low salt rate and capability to grow fast.
They may reach to 60 cm in length. They are known with their gray body and green-blue line on their back. They come to the bay during spawning period and stay offshore in winter....
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