Hapuku (Polyprion Oxygeneios)

Hapuku is conspicuous product in terms of its flavor in restaurants in Australia, US, UK, texture and appearence of the product is attaractive and it has too much variety as raw and cooked dishes.         

A fish can reach max 160 cm, deep water species and prefer southern waters. It is put up for sale as frozen and fresh, consumed as steamed, fried, broiled, boiled and baked.         

The production is operated by NIWA (New Zealand’s National Institute of Water & Atmosheric Research, which is in discussion with the farmers for commercial field trials in early 2013.

NIWA has created desired markets for Hapuku in New Zeland, Australia, Asia and Europe. Annually production is 8000 tons and there would be made 210 million $  NZD export value.

Hapuku is grown in Southern Australia, Chile, Trista and New Zealand. Its color is gray and belly side is silver white.  They have 10 dorsal spines running along their back and have a large powerful square shaped tail. It has jaw protrude from the top and large eyes. NIWA has accumulated the world’s largest broodstock of hapuku and they are in Bream Bay Aqualture Park.

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