Rabbit Fish (Siganus rivulatus)

This speices live in Mediterranean, Red Sea and East Africa regions. Fishermen in Spain, Israel and Egypt and these neighborhoods are keen on farming rabbit fish the most. It is known as "marbled spinefoot" in our country.               

It can reach to 27 cm, it is silver gray towards its back and brownish on the stomach. They generally live shallow sea and prefer protected areas. They grow up in reefs. Natural environment species is not highly commercial; farming has a commercial importance. As they can be fed with various nutrients and cheap feeds (for example dry pellet feed) they are appealing for farming.

Samll amounts of Rabbit fish provides high profits in Saudi Arabia market. Also this fish is highly preferred during the new year celebrations of China.

It is seen that this fish grows fast with daily feeds including 75% wheat, 25% fish and 6% vitamin.

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