Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus)

Icy Waters and other Canadian companies and also Arctic Charr  is produced in Iceland, Norway, West Virginia, Sweeden and Ireland.

There is a demand for Arctic Charr by wholesalers and restaurants, and it is seen as an alternative against high prices salmon.          

The president of Canadian Company Icy Waters, John Rose said “The Company farms high end sustainable Arctic Charr and sells for comercial aquaculture operations and is seeing increasing demand.”

“There is a relation between high salmon prices and Arctic Charr that can be seen as a reasonable substitute has firmed up the market.” said Rose.

Arctic Charr is related to salmon and trout, and has many characteristics of both.

The research of suitability of Arctic Charr as a cultured species has been ongoing since 1970s.

Rose said “Arctic Charr farms at high density 90 metercube water, combine with the increasing  commercial feasibility of aquaculture, makes the species an attractive for fish farmers. Arctic Charr has a different taste between salmon and trout, and its skin is finer flake according to salmon and trout.

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