Mandarin Fish (Siniperca chuatsi)

This fish, also called as Chinese sea bass, is known in China since immemorial time and it is known that it was popular between 618 and 907 B.C. It was poetized about its golden color and taste by the poets of this time.               

It grows up fast and reaches to 400-600 g first year and becomes 1.5 kg second year. After this period, growth in length and weight slows down and females continue to grow up for 3 years after male ones. They may reach to 70 cm in length. It is appropriate for farming and has high market value.

High prices have effect of fish farmers because this fish is not fed with commercial fish feed, they only eat small fish and shrimps. For this reason, fish farmers have to implemet high sales rates. They have to balance high prices by decreasing farming costs.

According to FAO, insufficient commercial feeding ceases farming. Feeding with dry pellet failed; they don't consume stable game, they always prefer moving ones.

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