Hoso Indian White Prawn


It is a white shrimp farmed by many countries such as South Africa, China, India and Indonesia being in the first place, which is very delicious and has a commercial value. In its natural environment, it is found in India-West Pacific.

It is a prawn species such as BT ans has hish tolerance to aquaculture environment.

It is consumed as tail on/off meat, butterfly, buttered and breaded.

Product Description

Product name Denizer Deep Frozen HOSO Indian White Prawn 10 kg
Latin name Penaeus indicus
External barcode

4-6: 8680539204524
6-8: 8680539204548
8-12: 8680539204562
13-15: 8680539204586
16-20: 8680539204609
21-30: 8680539204623
Internal barcode

4-6: 8680539204531
6-8: 8680539204555
8-12: 8680539204579
13-15: 8680539204593
16-20: 8680539204616
21-30: 8680539204630
Size 4-6, 6-8, 8-12, 13-15, 16-20, 21-30 /   Size before glazing  √   /   Size after glazing
Product description
After harvesting, white prawn is graded, freezed individual and placed on plates with some water (34%). After freezing, the product is packed in 1 kg inner carton.
Freezing type Semi IQF (Semi Individual Quick Freezer)
Packing type 10 x 1 kg inner box
Ingredients HOSO White prawn (80%), water (20%)
Production type Farmed   /    Catch √  (FAO : 51 )    /    Value added
Origin Indonesia
Units per package

4-6: 4-6 pcs/kg
6-8: 6-8 pcs/kg
8-12: 8-12 pcs/kg
13-15: 13-15 pcs/kg
16-20: 16-20 pcs/kg
21-30: 21-30 pcs/kg
Glazing rate 20%
Product type HOSO prawn
Broken pieces Max 1 piece / 1 kg
Appearence White shell, specific appearence
Smell Specific smell
Taste Specific, not bitter or sour, natural taste
Texture Strict, not dry
Average weight 4-6: 170 g / 6-8: 125 g / 8-12: 84 g / 13-15: 77 g / 16-20: 50 g / 21-30: 35 g
Shelf life After production date, first 24 months
Additives No chemical
Outer package Min 4 colored printing microwave corrugated cardboard box (PAP) (27x38x25 cm)
Inner package Min 4 colored printing inner box
Packing criteria

The total migration value of components of plastic substances and materials to foodstuff,  per square decimeter surface area of substance or material can not be more than 10 mgs. This value is defined as the limit of total migration of plastic substance and materials (mg/dm2).
Storage conditions
Should transport and storage at min -18°C. Transportation should be without contamination and complete with no break of cold chain.

Nutrition facts

Energy (kcal/100 g) 100
Fat (g/100 g) 2
Protein (g/100 g) 20
Cholesterol (mg/100g) 152
Na (mg/100g) 148
Carbonhydrate (mg/100g) 0,91
Vit A (%/100 g) 4
Vit C (%/100 g) 3
Ca (%/100 g) 5
Fe (%/100 g) 13
Omega 3 (g/100 g) 0

Chemical Parameters

Hg (mg/kg) 0,5
Cd (mg/kg) 0,5
Pb (mg/kg wet weight) 0,5
Total max dioxins (pg/g wet weight) 3,5
Total max dioxins and dioxin like PCBs (pg/g wet weight) 6,5
Total PCB28, PCB52, PCB101, PCB138, PCB153 and PCB180 (ng/g wet weight) 75


Microbiological Parameters

Histamin (mg/kg) 100-200
Salmonella spp(g-ml) -
Listeria monocytogenes (g-ml) -

Legal Criteria

GKGM Regulation on water intended for human consumption
GKGM Regulation on microbiological criteria
GKGM Regulation on contaminants
GKGM Regulation on labelling
GKGM Regulation on packaging waste control
GKGM Statement of plastic materials in contact with foodstuffs
Turkish Food Codex Regulation

Determination of Net Weight

Container - Wire mesh basket large enough to hold contents of one package and with openings small enough to retain all pieces. Expanded metal test-tube basket or equivalent, fully lined with standard 16 mesh per linear inch (2.54 cm) insect screen is satisfactory.
Balance - Sensitive to 0.25 g or 0.01 oz.
 Transfer product to circular No. 8 sieve, 20 cm (8”) diameter for packages #0.9 kg (2 lb) and 30 cm (12”) for packages >0.9 kg (2 lb).
Sieves - U.S. No. 8, 20 cm (8”) and 30 cm (12”).
Place contents of individual package in wire mesh basket and immerse in 15 L (4-gal.) container of fresh water at 26 ± 3ºC (80 ± 5ºF) so that top of basket extends above water level. Introduce water of same temperature at bottom of container at flow rate of 4-11 L (1-3 gal.)/min. As soon as product thaws, as determined by loss of rigidity, transfer all material to 30 cm (12”) (for packages 450 g [1 lb.]), or 20 cm (8”) (for packages ≤450 g [1 lb.]) No. 8 sieve, distributing evenly. Without shifting material on sieve, incline sieve to ca 30º from horizontal to facilitate drainage. Two minutes from time placed on sieved, transfer product to previously weighed pan, and weigh. Weight so found minus weight of pan is drained weight of product.
*Acc to AOAC 967.13 Drained weight of frozen crabmeat and shrimp


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