Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus)
Lingcod is catched by the biggest seafood product companies of the western coasts of Canada and USA.
Many lingcod fish are presented to retailing and catering markets of Pacific coasts by Canada and California. Despite there is fishing abundance, new markets are open to this fish type.
They may reach to 152 cm in length. Its origin is Northeast Pacific. It is seen in deep sea. Migrating and non-migrating populations live together. It is rich in Vitamin A. They grow fast and for this reason their population is resistant to fishery. They are commercially important since 1940.
Stock in America has renewed itself and excessive fishing is not seen, they increased from 178.6 metric tons in 2004 to 407 metric tons in 2010. Monterey Bay Aquarium environmental society regards this fish type as a "good alternative".
It is not a new type but it is increasing. Lingcod is not a codfish; it is a Pacific greenling species. It has a soft and sensitive meat but it is tight, they resemble to codfish species with a soft and moistened skin. It is proper to many meals and retail market.