Fresh fish is better than frozen fish, isn't it? Wrong

Modern freezing techniques ensures high quality in fish types. Why? Because many fish types, only after a few minutes after hunting today, are frozen with flash freezer with lower heat than the standard household type freezers. Many "fresh" fish types are in fact pre-frosted but these are realized some certain fishmongers.                        

Another factor is that freshness depends on the place where you live: Do you live 200 km away from the shore? If yes, you can buy fresh fish in your region depending on the season.

You can also find fresh fish if you live far away from sea but it is rather expensive and you are in a roulette game where you are completely under risk. Because there are some issues like transportation temperature and conditions.

In addition, not all types of frosted fish are equal;

  • Products frosted in sea are always the best.
  • Vacuumed package products,
  • Products with glaze for protection are rather good.

As consumers, we should be careful to consume healthy fish instead of fresh food and take all conditions into consideration.

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